
Showing 1-18 of 107 items.

Environmental Hazards Analysis

Environmental Hazards Analysis

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2429

Author(s) : Seyyed-Ali Badri, PhD, Nasrin Kazemi, PhD
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing

Fundamentals of Remote Sensing

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2416

Author(s) : Manuchehr Farajzadeh, PhD, Ali Shamsoddini, PhD, Parviz Zeaiean Firouzabadi, PhD
Fundamentals of Hydrology

Fundamentals of Hydrology

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2407

Author(s) : Ghasem Azizi, PhD, Morteza Miri, PhD, Jafar Masoompour Samakosh, PhD

Price : IRR 310,000

Spatial Planning Workshop: Theoretical and Practical Framework for Spatial Plans

Spatial Planning Workshop: Theoretical and Practical Framework for Spatial Plans

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2320

Author(s) : Hassan Esmaeilzadeh, PhD, Amin Faraji, PhD, Mehdi Alian, PhD
Geomorphology of Iran

Geomorphology of Iran

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2310

Author(s) : Rasoul Samadzadeh, PhD
Planning for Urban Housing (With a Look at Iran)

Planning for Urban Housing (With a Look at Iran)

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2309

Author(s) : Abolfazl Meshkini, Moslem Zarghamfard
Principles of Population Geography

Principles of Population Geography

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2307

Author(s) : Ali Heidari, PhD
Iran’s Analytic Geomorphology

Iran’s Analytic Geomorphology

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2280

Author(s) : Mohammad Hossein Ramesht, PhD, Farhad Babajamali, PhD
Quantitative Methodology in Geography

Quantitative Methodology in Geography

Publisher : SAMt

Code : 2254

Author(s) : Bohloul Alijani, PhD
Organizing and Political Management of Space in Iran

Organizing and Political Management of Space in Iran

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2209

Author(s) : Mohammad Reza Hafeznia, PhD, Zahra Ahmadipour, PhD, Ebrahim Roumina, PhD
Thematic Cartography: Methods and Techniques

Thematic Cartography: Methods and Techniques

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2180

Author(s) : Mohammad Sharifi Pichoon, PhD
Population Geography of Iran

Population Geography of Iran

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2163

Author(s) : Rahimberdi Annamoradnejad, PhD
Geomorphology (Structure Process and Landforms)

Geomorphology (Structure Process and Landforms)

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2132

Author(s) : Iraj Jabbari, PhD
Theoretical Foundations of Tourism Sustainable Development

Theoretical Foundations of Tourism Sustainable Development

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2131

Author(s) : Davoud Mahdavi, PhD, Abdolreza Roknoddin Eftekhari, PhD, Hamdollah Sojasi Qeidari, PhD

Published At : April 2017

Soils Geography (Formation ,Distribution ,Damages and Solutions)

Soils Geography (Formation ,Distribution ,Damages and Solutions)

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2128

Author(s) : Gholamreza Barati, PhD
Urban Geography of Iran

Urban Geography of Iran

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2120

Author(s) : Parvaneh Shahhosseini, PhD
The Raison d'etrre of Iran

The Raison d'etrre of Iran

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2103

Author(s) : Mohammadreza Hafeznia, PhD, Abolfazl Kavandi Kateb
Earth in the Space

Earth in the Space

Publisher : SAMT

Code : 2089

Author(s) : Ezatollah Ghanavati, PhD