Ahmad Ahmadi
- Field of Expertise: Philosophy
- Publications:
- A Selection of Texts in Islamic Philosophy, 2001
- Substratums of Knowledge, 2009
- Translation of Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten, Immanuel Kant, 2020

Azartash Azarnoush
- Field of Expertise: Arabic literature
- Publications:
- The history of Arabic language and culture, 1998
- A guide to the influence of Persian language in Arabic language, 1975
- Elements de religions Iranienns chez les Arabes a lepopue preilamique, 1976
- A Translation of history of Arab Literature, 1984
- A guide to teaching Arabic language, 1987
- History of translation from Arabic to Persian, 1996
- Contemporary dictionary of Arabic to Persian (Book of the Year , 1999)

Gholam-Hossein Ebrahimi Dinani
- Field of Expertise: Philosophy and Islamic Wisdom, known as the "philosopher of conversation"
- Publications:
- A selection of texts in Islamic philosophy, 2001
- Light of thought and presence in Sohrevardi's philosophy, 1985
- The adventures of philosophical thought in the Islamic world (Highly-Praised Book of the Year, 1999)
- The Book of Reason and Signs of Love (Highly-Praised Book of the Year, 2005)
- Ibn Rushd's brilliance in the Peripatetic wisdom (Highly-Praised Book of the Year, 2006)
- Nasir Al-Din Al-Tusi: Philosopher Of conversation (Highly-Praised Book of the Year, 2008)
- Selecting thoughts in philosophy, 2020

Ahmad Sami'I Guilani
- Field of Expertise: Linguistics and Editing
- Publications:
- Writing and editing, 1999
- The writing rules, 1987
- Translation of Elle et Lui by George Sand, 1966
- Translation of Salammbô by Gustave Flaubert, 1995
- The manual of style of the encyclopedia of the Islamic world, 1996

Sirous Shamisa
- Field of Expertise: Persian Literature
- Publications:
- The history of the evolution of Persian prose, 2017
- Literary criticism
- Literary genres
- Literary schools
- History of sonnet in Persian poetry
- Mirror and three other stories
- Prosody
- Stylistics of Persian prose
- A fresh look at rhetoric
- An introduction to rhyme and meters
- A dictionary of allusions

Mehdi Mohaghegh
- Field of Expertise: Persian Literature and Islamic Studies
- Publications:
- A dictionary of medical and pharmacological terms in Persian literature, 2015
- Shi'ite in the vision of others
- Philosopher of Ray, Mohammad Ibn Zakaria Razi (Book of the Year, 1970)
- Translation of Meftah Al-Teb (Book of the Year, 1990)
- History and medical ethics (Book of the Year, 1998)
- Analysis of Naser Khosrow's poems
- Book of sonnets and quatrains of Fatahi Neishabouri
Gheisar Aminpour
- Field of Expertise: Persian Literature-Poetry
- Publications:
- "Poetry and Childhood", a chapter in Psychological Domains and Approaches, 2007
- Morning breath
- On the lane of the Sunlight
- Grammar of love
- All the flowers are sunflowers

Kazem Modir Shanehchi
- Field of Expertise: Islamic Theology
- Publications:
- The history of hadith, 1998
- Ayat al-Ahkam, 1999
- Ilm al-Hadith
- The history of jurisprudence of Islamic sects

Mohsen Jahangiri
- Field of Expertise: Philosophy
- Publications:
- Translation of The Principles of the Philosophy of René Descartes:
Demonstrated in the Geometrical Manner and Thoughts on Metaphysics by Benedict de Spinoza, 2003
- A selection of philosophical works, 1989
- Translation of Ethics by Benedict de Spinoza
- Francis Bacon's thoughts and works
- Mohiyya al-Din Ibn Arabi: Prominent figure of Islamic mysticism, 2004

Parirokh Dadsetan
- Field of Expertise: Psychology
- Publications:
- Developmental Psychopathology: From Infancy through Adulthood (Vol. I), 1997
- Developmental Psychopathology: From Infancy through Adulthood (Vol. II), 1999
- Developmental Psychopathology: Language Disorders Assessment and Treatment (Vol. III), 2000
- Criminal Psychology,2003
- Eighteen Psychological Studies, 2007
- Conversation With Jean Piaget, 2009
- A Selection of Major Theories of Developmental Psychology, 2014
- Stress Treatment and Management (2 Volumes), volume one, 2019
- Stress Treatment and Management (2 Volumes), volume two, 2019
- Encyclopedia of Psychological Testing, Assessment & Treatment Volume 1 (A-L), 2020
- Encyclopedia of Psychological Testing, Assessment & Treatment Volume 2 (M-Z), 2020

Sayyed Mohammad Bagher Hojjati
- Field of Expertise: TheologyTheologyTheologyTheologyTheologyTheology
- Publications:
- Translation of Tajwīd of the Holy Quran by Muhammad Sadiq Qamhawi, 2002
- Research in the history of the Holy Quran (Book of the Year, 2000)
Ali Ravaghi
- Field of Expertise: Persian Language and Literature
- Publications:
- An interpretation of the Holy Qur'ān, 2004
- A selection of Persian prose
- Persian language in Transoxiana
- Stylistics or typology of the translations of the Quran
- A dictionary of Persian Tajik
Ali Shari'atmadari
- Field of Expertise: Education
- Publications:
- Issues in curriculum development, 1987
- Reflective Thinking the Method of Education, 1992
- Scientific and educational mission of teaching centers, 1995
- Great Educators (History of Educational Thoughts, 2011
- Principles of education
- Educational psychology
- Society and education
- Islamic education
Ali Akbar Ghaffari Sefat
- Field of Expertise: Hadith and Islamic Sciences
- Publications:
- Doctrines of Derayat Science (An Excerpt of Meqbas-ol-Hedaya), 2005
- Correction of: Tuhaf al-Uqul
- Correction of: Al-Kafi
- Correction of: Man Layhdhura al-Faqih
- Correction of: Tahdhib
- Correction of: Al-Ahkam wa al-Istibsar
Abolghasem Gorji
- Field of Expertise: Theology
- Publications:
- History of jurisprudence and jurisprudents, 1996
- JAWAMI'AL-JAMI': A commentary on the Quran (4 Volume), 1998
- History of the prophet of Islam, 1980
- Fundamentals of Islamic laws
Farhad Nazerzadeh Kermani
- Field of Expertise: Playwright
- Publications:
- An Introduction to drama, 2004
- T. S. Eliot and his poetical religious dramas
- Performance styles in the contemporary world theater
- Symbolism in dramatic literature
- The play of the torn cage
- The play of the beggar-actors of the bridge of destiny
Sayyed Mehdi Alvani
- Field of Expertise: Public Administration
- Publications:
- Public policy-making, 1980
- Cases in public administration, 1996
- Supervision in the hospitality industry, 2008
- Developing Management Skills: What Great Managers Know and Do, 2012
- Public management
- Production management
- Conflict management
- Seven secrets of successful women
- Management and social capital
Mansour Rastegar Fasaei
- Field of Expertise: Persain Literature, Poetry
- Publications:
- Persian prose types, 2001
- Imagism in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, 1973
- Dragon in the mythology of Iran, 1977
- Persian poetry types, 1993
- Hafez and the overt and covert of life, 2006
- Stories of Shahnameh (9 volumes), 2006
Hassan Shokoui
- Field of Expertise: Geography
- Publications:
- New perspectives in urban geography (Vol.1), 1994
- The philosophy of geography, 1970
- Urban geography, 1973
- Applied geography and schools of geography, 1986
- New thoughts in the philosophy of geography (Vol. I), 1996
Mohammad Alavi Moghaddam
- Field of Expertise: Persian Language and Literature
- Publications:
- Rhetoric, 1997
- The evolution of rhetoric
- A selection of Naseri ethics
- Translation of Malem al-Bayan
- Translation of legislation in Islam
Ali Mohammad Kardan
- Field of Expertise: Persian Language and Literature
- Publications:
- An introduction to Islamic education: The philosophy of education (Vol. I), 1993
- Educational sciences: Their nature and domain, 2001
- Evolution of educational thoughts in the West, 2002
- Translation of Education and sociology by Emile Durkheim
- Translation of Social psychology by Otto Klineberg
Nasrollah Mardani
- Field of Expertise: Poetry
- Publications:
- Setigh sokhan, 1992
- The soil's letter of blood, 1985
- Law of love
- Poet martyrs
Mahmoud Mansour
- Field of Expertise: Psychology
- Publications:
- Developmental psychology: From birth to senescence, 1999
- Translation of Personality: Structures, Genesis, and Development by R. Meili and P. Robertoux, 2001
- Conversation With Jean Piaget, 2009
Ahmad Aram
- Field of Expertise: Translation- Pioneer of Writing Textbooks
- Publications:
- Translation of From Augustine to Galileo: Science in the Middle Ages (2 volumes), 1993-1994
- The story of civilization (Vol. I) by Will Durant
- Translation of The logic of scientific discovery by Karl R. Popper
Abdolhossein Navaei
- Field of Expertise: History
- Publications:
- Iran's Political and Economic Relations in Safavid Period, 1998
- History of Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Transformation of Iran in Safavids Period, 2000
- Historical Texts in Persian, 1997
- Karim Khan Zand, 1965
- Political Correspondence and documents of Iran (Book of the Year), 1984
- History of Iran and the world (3 volumes), 1985-1997
- Bibliography of Chronicles, 1994
- , 2002
Habibollah Ayatollahi
- Field of Expertise: Arts
- Publications:
- The theoretical bases of plastic arts, 1998
- Color foundations & use, 2002
- Vocabulaire des Mots Français Dans le Langage Artistique Iranian (Tome 1), 2009
- Cours du Bauhaus, 2012
- Color foundations & use, 2002
- Artistic writings
- Book of Iran: History of arts
Sayyed Mohammad Mousavi Bojnourdi
- Field of Expertise: Law and Jurisprudence
- Publications:
- Comparative jurisprudence (figh): Criminal approach, 2005
- Legal ideas of family law
Mir Jalaledin Kazzazi
- Field of Expertise: Persian Literature
- Publications:
- The tent of tones and tints: Khāqānī Shenāsī, 1997
- Ancient book: The edition and interpretation of Shahnameh of Ferdowsi (10 Volumes),
2000-2018 (First Rank in the International Festival of Kharazmi)
- At the Threshold of the True-Love, 2012
- A Step into the Infinitude, 2013
- Songs of drunks (mastaan)
- Father of Iran
- Water and mirror
- Pearl of Dari sea
Ali Mohammad Haghshenas
- Field of Expertise: Persian Literature
- Publications:
- Translation of A History of linguistics (A part of Western linguistics Book) by Peter A. M. Seuren, 2008
- Translation of Modern schools of linguistics in the West (A part of Western linguistics Book)
by Peter A. M. Seuren, 2009 (Book of the Season, 2009)
- Phonetics, 1977
- Translation of Novelists on the novel by Miriam Allott, 1991
- Millennium dictionary of English to Persian, 2000 (Book of the Year, 2009)
Ali Rezaian
- Field of Expertise: Management
- Publications:
- Systems analysis and design, 1997
- Fundamentals of organization and management, 2000
- Principles of management, 1990
- Organizational behavior management, 2000
- Management information system (data modeling), 2001
- Conflict and negotiation management (advanced organizational behavior management), 2003
- Management of political behavior in organization (advanced organizational behavior management), 2004
- Stress management (advanced organizational behavior management), 2004
- Human-Information system interface, 2005
- Anticipatory and organizational justice, 2005
- Team-Building in the 21st century, 2007
- Self- Management fundamentals and approaches (advanced organizational behavior management), 2011
- The Knowledge Management Fieldbook, 2012
- Processes of Perception and Social Perception, 2014
- Organizational culture (advanced organizational behavior management), 2016
Abbas Ali Amid Zanjani
- Field of Expertise: Islamic Sciences
- Publications:
- Political jurisprudence: International law of treaties and diplomacy in Islam, 2000
- The rules of Islamic jurisprudence (4 Volumes), 2007-2013
- Business Processes Reengineering, 2012
Sadegh Aienehvand
- Field of Expertise: Arabic Language and Literature, History of Islam
- Publications:
- Political literature in Islam, 1990
- Thirty years with history
- History of women in Islam
- Literature of women in Islam
- Literature of revolution in Shi'a
Mahmoud Maheronnaghsh
- Field of Expertise: Tile Works
- Publications:
- Tiles and their use, 2002
- Technical principles of a building
- The architecture of Hakim Mosque in Isfahan
- Design and installation of a pattern in Iranian tile work: The Islamic period
Shokouh Navabi Nejhad
- Field of Expertise: Counseling
- Publications:
- Theories of group counseling and psychotherapy, 2004
- Foundations of guidance and counseling, 2014
Ja'far Mehrad
Mohammad Dabir Moghaddam
- Field of Expertise: Linguistics
- Publications:
- Theoretical linguistics: Emergence and development of generative grammar, 2004
- Typology of Iranian languages (two volumes), 2013
- Linguistic research of Persian language, 2005
Esmaeil Hakemi Vala