Eminent Authors and Scholars


Here you can find more information about the eminent scholars who have cooperated with SAMT.


Ahmad Ahmadi

  • Field of Expertise: Philosophy
  • Publications: 
  1. A Selection of Texts in Islamic Philosophy, 2001
  2. Substratums of Knowledge, 2009
  3. Translation of Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten, Immanuel Kant, 2020


Azartash  Azarnoush

  • Field of Expertise: Arabic literature
  • Publications: 
  1. The history of Arabic language and culture, 1998
  2. A guide to the influence of Persian language in Arabic language, 1975
  3. Elements de religions Iranienns chez les Arabes a lepopue preilamique, 1976
  4. A Translation of history of Arab Literature, 1984
  5. A guide to teaching Arabic language, 1987
  6. History of translation from Arabic to Persian, 1996
  7. Contemporary dictionary of Arabic to Persian (Book of the Year , 1999)


Gholam-Hossein Ebrahimi Dinani

  • Field of Expertise: Philosophy  and Islamic Wisdom, known as the "philosopher of conversation"
  • Publications: 
  1. A selection of texts in Islamic philosophy, 2001
  2. Light of thought and presence in Sohrevardi's philosophy, 1985
  3. The adventures of philosophical thought in the Islamic world (Highly-Praised Book of the Year, 1999)
  4. The Book of Reason and Signs of Love (Highly-Praised Book of the Year, 2005)
  5. Ibn Rushd's brilliance in the Peripatetic wisdom (Highly-Praised Book of the Year, 2006)
  6. Nasir Al-Din Al-Tusi: Philosopher Of conversation (Highly-Praised Book of the Year, 2008)
  7. Selecting thoughts in philosophy, 2020


Ahmad Sami'I Guilani

  • Field of Expertise: Linguistics and Editing
  • Publications: 
  1. Writing and editing, 1999
  2. The writing rules, 1987
  3. Translation of Elle et Lui by George Sand, 1966
  4. Translation of Salammbô by Gustave Flaubert, 1995
  5. The manual of style of the encyclopedia of the Islamic world, 1996


Sirous Shamisa

  • Field of Expertise: Persian Literature
  • Publications: 
  1. The history of the evolution of Persian prose, 2017
  2. Literary criticism
  3. Literary genres 
  4. Literary schools
  5. History of sonnet in Persian poetry
  6. Mirror and three other stories
  7. Prosody
  8. Stylistics of Persian prose
  9. A fresh look at rhetoric
  10. An introduction to rhyme and meters
  11. A dictionary of allusions


Mehdi Mohaghegh

  • Field of Expertise: Persian Literature and Islamic Studies
  • Publications: 
  1. A dictionary of medical and pharmacological terms in Persian literature, 2015
  2. Shi'ite in the vision of others
  3. Philosopher of Ray, Mohammad Ibn Zakaria Razi (Book of the Year, 1970)
  4. Translation of Meftah Al-Teb (Book of the Year, 1990)
  5. History and medical ethics (Book of the Year, 1998)
  6. Analysis of Naser Khosrow's poems
  7. Book of sonnets and quatrains of Fatahi Neishabouri


Gheisar Aminpour

  • Field of Expertise: Persian Literature-Poetry
  • Publications: 
  1. "Poetry and Childhood", a chapter in Psychological Domains and Approaches, 2007 
  2. Morning breath
  3. On the lane of the Sunlight
  4. Grammar of love
  5. All the flowers are sunflowers


Kazem Modir Shanehchi 

  • Field of Expertise: Islamic Theology
  • Publications: 
  1. The history of hadith, 1998
  2. Ayat al-Ahkam, 1999
  3. Ilm al-Hadith
  4. The history of jurisprudence of Islamic sects


Mohsen Jahangiri

  • Field of Expertise: Philosophy
  • Publications: 
  1. Translation of The Principles of the Philosophy of René Descartes:
    Demonstrated in the Geometrical Manner and Thoughts on Metaphysics
    by Benedict de Spinoza, 2003 
  2. A selection of philosophical works, 1989
  3. Translation of  Ethics by Benedict de Spinoza
  4. Francis Bacon's thoughts and works
  5. Mohiyya al-Din Ibn Arabi: Prominent figure of Islamic mysticism, 2004


Parirokh Dadsetan

  • Field of Expertise: Psychology
  • Publications: 
  1. Developmental Psychopathology: From Infancy through Adulthood (Vol. I), 1997
  2. Developmental Psychopathology: From Infancy through Adulthood (Vol. II), 1999
  3. Developmental Psychopathology: Language Disorders Assessment and Treatment (Vol. III), 2000
  4. Criminal Psychology,2003
  5. Eighteen Psychological Studies, 2007
  6. Conversation With Jean Piaget, 2009
  7. A Selection of Major Theories of Developmental Psychology, 2014
  8. Stress Treatment and Management (2 Volumes), volume one, 2019  
  9. Stress Treatment and Management (2 Volumes), volume two, 2019 
  10. Encyclopedia of Psychological Testing, Assessment & Treatment Volume 1 (A-L), 2020 
  11. Encyclopedia of Psychological Testing, Assessment & Treatment Volume 2 (M-Z), 2020 


Sayyed Mohammad Bagher Hojjati

  • Field of Expertise: TheologyTheologyTheologyTheologyTheologyTheology
  • Publications: 
  1. Translation of Tajwīd of the Holy Quran by Muhammad Sadiq Qamhawi, 2002
  2. Research in the history of the Holy Quran (Book of the Year, 2000)


Ali Ravaghi

  • Field of Expertise: Persian Language and Literature
  • Publications: 
  1. An interpretation of the Holy Qur'ān, 2004
  2. A selection of Persian prose
  3. Persian language in Transoxiana
  4. Stylistics or typology of the translations of the Quran
  5. A dictionary of Persian Tajik


Ali Shari'atmadari

  • Field of Expertise: Education
  • Publications: 
  1. Issues in curriculum development, 1987
  2. Reflective Thinking the Method of Education, 1992
  3. Scientific and educational mission of teaching centers, 1995
  4. Great Educators (History of Educational Thoughts, 2011                       
  5. Principles of education
  6. Educational psychology
  7. Society and education
  8. Islamic education


Ali Akbar Ghaffari Sefat

  • Field of Expertise: Hadith and Islamic Sciences
  • Publications: 
  1. Doctrines of Derayat Science (An Excerpt of Meqbas-ol-Hedaya), 2005
  2. Correction of: Tuhaf al-Uqul
  3. Correction of: Al-Kafi 
  4. Correction of:  Man Layhdhura al-Faqih
  5. Correction of:  Tahdhib 
  6. Correction of: Al-Ahkam wa al-Istibsar 


Abolghasem Gorji

  • Field of Expertise: Theology
  • Publications: 
  1. History of jurisprudence and jurisprudents, 1996
  2. JAWAMI'AL-JAMI': A commentary on the Quran (4 Volume), 1998
  3. History of the prophet of Islam, 1980
  4. Fundamentals of Islamic laws


Farhad Nazerzadeh Kermani

  • Field of Expertise: Playwright
  • Publications: 
  1. An Introduction to drama, 2004
  2. T. S. Eliot and his poetical religious dramas
  3. Performance styles in the contemporary world theater
  4. Symbolism in dramatic literature
  5. The play of the torn cage
  6. The play of the beggar-actors of the bridge of destiny


Sayyed Mehdi Alvani

  • Field of Expertise: Public Administration
  • Publications: 
  1. Public policy-making, 1980
  2. Cases in public administration, 1996
  3. Supervision in the hospitality industry, 2008
  4. Developing Management Skills: What Great Managers Know and Do, 2012
  5. Public management
  6. Production management
  7. Conflict management
  8. Seven secrets of successful women
  9. Management and social capital


Mansour Rastegar Fasaei

  • Field of Expertise: Persain Literature, Poetry
  • Publications: 
  1. Persian prose types, 2001
  2. Imagism in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, 1973
  3. Dragon in the mythology of Iran, 1977
  4. Persian poetry types, 1993
  5. Hafez and the overt and covert of life, 2006
  6. Stories of Shahnameh (9 volumes), 2006


Hassan Shokoui

  • Field of Expertise: Geography
  • Publications: 
  1. New perspectives in urban geography (Vol.1), 1994
  2. The philosophy of geography, 1970
  3. Urban geography, 1973
  4. Applied geography and schools of geography, 1986
  5. New thoughts in the philosophy of geography (Vol. I), 1996


Mohammad Alavi Moghaddam

  • Field of Expertise: Persian Language and Literature
  • Publications: 
  1. Rhetoric, 1997
  2. The evolution of rhetoric
  3. A selection of Naseri ethics
  4. Translation of  Malem al-Bayan
  5. Translation of  legislation in Islam


Ali Mohammad Kardan

  • Field of Expertise: Persian Language and Literature
  • Publications: 
  1. An introduction to Islamic education: The philosophy of education (Vol. I), 1993
  2. Educational sciences: Their nature and domain, 2001
  3. Evolution of educational thoughts in the West, 2002
  4. Translation of Education and sociology by Emile Durkheim
  5. Translation of Social psychology by Otto Klineberg


Nasrollah Mardani

  • Field of Expertise: Poetry
  • Publications: 
  1. Setigh sokhan, 1992
  2. The soil's letter of blood, 1985
  3. Law of love
  4. Poet martyrs


Mahmoud Mansour

  • Field of Expertise: Psychology
  • Publications: 
  1. Developmental psychology: From birth to senescence, 1999
  2. Translation of Personality: Structures, Genesis, and Development by R. Meili and P. Robertoux, 2001
  3. Conversation With Jean Piaget, 2009


 Ahmad Aram

  • Field of Expertise: Translation- Pioneer of Writing Textbooks
  • Publications: 
  1. Translation of From Augustine to Galileo: Science in the Middle Ages (2 volumes), 1993-1994
  2. The story of civilization (Vol. I) by Will Durant
  3. Translation of The logic of scientific discovery by Karl R. Popper


Abdolhossein Navaei

  • Field of Expertise: History
  • Publications: 
  1. Iran's Political and Economic Relations in Safavid Period, 1998
  2. History of Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Transformation of Iran in Safavids Period, 2000
  3. Historical Texts in Persian, 1997
  4. Karim Khan Zand, 1965
  5. Political Correspondence and documents of Iran (Book of the Year), 1984
  6. History of Iran and the world (3 volumes), 1985-1997
  7. Bibliography of Chronicles, 1994
  8. , 2002


Habibollah Ayatollahi

  • Field of Expertise:  Arts
  • Publications: 
  1. The theoretical bases of plastic arts, 1998
  2. Color foundations & use, 2002
  3. Vocabulaire des Mots Français Dans le Langage Artistique Iranian (Tome 1), 2009
  4. Cours du Bauhaus, 2012
  5. Color foundations & use, 2002
  6. Artistic writings
  7. Book of Iran: History of arts


Sayyed Mohammad Mousavi Bojnourdi

  • Field of Expertise: Law and Jurisprudence
  • Publications: 
  1. Comparative jurisprudence (figh): Criminal approach, 2005
  2. Legal ideas of family law


 Mir Jalaledin Kazzazi

  • Field of Expertise: Persian Literature
  • Publications: 
  1. The tent of tones and tints: Khāqānī Shenāsī, 1997
  2. Ancient book: The edition and interpretation of Shahnameh of Ferdowsi (10 Volumes),
    2000-2018 (First Rank in the International Festival of Kharazmi)
  3. At the Threshold of the True-Love, 2012
  4. A Step into the Infinitude, 2013
  5. Songs of drunks (mastaan)
  6. Father of Iran
  7. Water and mirror
  8. Pearl of Dari sea


Ali Mohammad Haghshenas

  • Field of Expertise: Persian Literature
  • Publications: 
  1. Translation of A History of linguistics (A part of Western linguistics Book) by Peter A. M. Seuren, 2008
  2. Translation of  Modern schools of linguistics in the West (A part of Western linguistics Book) 
    by Peter A. M. Seuren, 2009 (Book of the Season, 2009)
  3. Phonetics, 1977
  4. Translation of Novelists on the novel by Miriam Allott, 1991
  5. Millennium dictionary of English to Persian, 2000 (Book of the Year, 2009)


Ali Rezaian

  • Field of Expertise: Management
  • Publications: 
  1. Systems analysis and design, 1997
  2. Fundamentals of organization and management, 2000
  3. Principles of management, 1990
  4. Organizational behavior management, 2000
  5. Management information system (data modeling), 2001
  6. Conflict and negotiation management (advanced organizational behavior management), 2003
  7. Management of political behavior in organization (advanced organizational behavior management), 2004
  8. Stress management (advanced organizational behavior management), 2004
  9. Human-Information system interface, 2005
  10. Anticipatory and organizational justice, 2005
  11. Team-Building in the 21st century, 2007
  12. Self- Management fundamentals and approaches (advanced organizational behavior management), 2011
  13. The Knowledge Management Fieldbook, 2012
  14. Processes of Perception and Social Perception, 2014
  15. Organizational culture (advanced organizational behavior management), 2016


Abbas Ali Amid Zanjani

  • Field of Expertise: Islamic Sciences
  • Publications: 
  1. Political jurisprudence: International law of treaties and diplomacy in Islam, 2000
  2. The rules of Islamic jurisprudence (4 Volumes), 2007-2013
  3. Business Processes Reengineering, 2012


 Sadegh Aienehvand

  • Field of Expertise: Arabic Language and Literature, History of Islam
  • Publications: 
  1. Political literature in Islam, 1990
  2. Thirty years with history
  3. History of women in Islam
  4. Literature of women in Islam
  5. Literature of revolution in Shi'a


Mahmoud Maheronnaghsh

  • Field of Expertise: Tile Works
  • Publications: 
  1. Tiles and their use, 2002
  2. Technical principles of a building
  3. The architecture of Hakim Mosque in Isfahan
  4. Design and installation of a pattern in Iranian tile work: The Islamic period


Shokouh Navabi Nejhad

  • Field of Expertise: Counseling
  • Publications: 
  1. Theories of group counseling and psychotherapy, 2004
  2. Foundations of guidance and counseling, 2014


 Ja'far Mehrad


Mohammad Dabir Moghaddam

  • Field of Expertise: Linguistics
  • Publications: 
  1. Theoretical linguistics: Emergence and development of generative grammar, 2004
  2. Typology of Iranian languages (two volumes), 2013
  3. Linguistic research of Persian language, 2005


Esmaeil Hakemi Vala



Last Update At : 15 August 2021