Approaches to Psychology: Essays in Honor of Parirokh Dadsetan
Clinical psychology is considered as the science of studying psychological processes and oversees in-depth study finding the causes of human behavior, both normal and abnormal. Dr. Parikh Dadstan is one of the founders and pioneers of the design and development of this branch of psychology in Iran. In honor of her continuous and well-reasoned scientific endeavors, professors and enthusiasts in this field have endeavored to compile a comprehensive collection of scientific and research articles. The articles in this book consist of three sections: general psychology, developmental, and pathology, and under each section, a diverse range of cognitive methods, applied principles, and pathology are explained in topics related to intelligence, therapy, religion, family, employment, obsession, academic stress, altruism, introspection and self-respect and etc.
The present book is a collection of articles indicating thoughts and achievements of the Iranian psychologists and scholars and researchers in psychology presented in the commemoration ceremony of the eminent Professor, Parirokh Dadsetan, held in SAMT.