Persian Prose Types

Author(s) : Mansoor Rastegar Fasai, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 539
Updated At : 16 October 2021
First Print Publication : 2001
8th Print Publication: 2018
Available Languages : Persian
708 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0222-4

ISBN : 978-600-02-0222-4

The book Persian Prose Types examines the concepts of prose, Persian prose and its types, types of ancient and contemporary Persian prose as well as topics and periods of Persian prose. To provide the function of Persian prose in its life of more than a thousand years and to provide useful information about Persian prose, its types, subjects, and meaning, and verbal developments. This book examines Persian prose from before Islam to the period of the Islamic Revolution and it is a rare book in this respect.

Author(s) : Mansoor Rastegar Fasai, PhD