Groups : Geography

The Raison d'etrre of Iran

Author(s) : Mohammadreza Hafeznia, PhD, Abolfazl Kavandi Kateb
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2103
Updated At : 23 January 2022
First Print Publication : 2017
Available Languages : Persian
268 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0484-6

ISBN : 978-600-02-0484-6
Also Available as E-book

Countries are the most prominent independent political-geographical divisions in today’s world and are considered the most important actors in the international system. Factors contributing to the formation of countries and their longevity is one of the topics studied in political geography, which is referred to as the cause of existence and the cause of survival. These factors have an effect on national solidarity and the formation of independent identity and become the foundations of the national identity of countries. Today, Iran is part of the geography, culture, long history, and people of the Iranian plateau in the political map of the world. The most prominent feature of Iran is the diversity of its natural and human phenomena as well as its history that has been subjected to a lot of ups and downs. What has caused the unique name of Iran to survive - despite all the existing diversities and ups and down - is the main subject of discussion in this book.

Author(s) : Mohammadreza Hafeznia, PhD, Abolfazl Kavandi Kateb