Groups : Geography

The Rural Geography of Iran

Author(s) : Hassan Afrakhteh, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1792
Updated At : 26 September 2021
First Print Publication : 2014
4th Print Publication: 2020
Available Languages : Persian
264 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0012-1
Price : IRR 300,000

ISBN : 978-600-02-0012-1
Also Available as E-book

The vast land of Iran had been of urban, rural, and nomadic settlements in the past. Over time, the number of small rural settlements has decreased while the number of larger rural settlements has increased. In recent years, many of these large villages have, politically and administratively, acquired the status of cities. But the imminent phenomenon is the emergence of large and growing settlements around metropolitans and large cities in an area that neither has the original rural features nor the typical features of urban areas. The process of this transformation and its control is an issue that can be a source of irreparable damage to the future of the country if it is not taken seriously.

Author(s) : Hassan Afrakhteh, PhD