A Companion to Great Religions

Author(s) : Hossein Tofighi
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : Taha Cultural Institute
Code : 401
Updated At : 12 January 2021
First Print Publication : 2000
18th Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
334 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-509-1

ISBN : 978-964-530-509-1

Religion as a phenomenon inseparable from man throughout history has always attracted much attention from the scholars. At this juncture the influence of religion in man’s life and its role in the growth and booming of science and art becomes clear.
Another benefit of study of the religions is making use of the knowledge gained to communicate with other nations and peoples. The chief governments of the world seek consultation from the Orientalists to better comprehend the spirit and convictions of different nations in order to expand the sway of their power over them.
Research in the field of religion has spiritual benefits for ardent believers and also deepens their religious faith. In their studies, they delve into the inconsistencies inherent in the teachings of the rival religions to prove the sincerity and truth of their inherited religion.
The writer has tried, considering the importance of each religion under discussion, to emphasize the crucial points about those religions and skip the unnecessary details.
The affinity of Islam with Christianity and Judaism has made profound familiarity with them an imperative task for Muslims. The cultural sovereignty of the Christian West and the vitality of premeditated encounter with it necessitate a vast acquaintance with Christianity. The acceleration of communication and the deepening necessity of religious communication, especially among Abrahamic religions, add to the importance of expertise on Christianity and Judaism. Hence the largest part of the
book is devoted to these two religions especially Christianity.
The book is in nine chapters in which the following topics are successively: first some general notions about the definition of religion, sect, nation and religious law (Shari’ah), phases of religion, benefits of the history of religions and the classification of religions are given. Then, the primitive religions; the religions of past nations; Indian religions; Japanese and Chinese religions; the religions in ancient Iran;
Judaism; Christianity; and Arab religions before Islam are discussed.
In this book the reader has been provided with a brief account of the history of these religions as well as their influence on the human culture in general, as they were trying to present the key ideas, notions, moralities, and other worthy subjects of these religions.

Compiled for the students of theology at universities and Howzeh, this book introduces the major and living religions of the world.

Author(s) : Hossein Tofighi