The History of Persian Literature (2)

Author(s) : S. Ali Asghar Mirbagheri Fard, PhD, et al
Code : 1400
Updated At : 16 October 2021
Published At : 2019/05/01
First Print Publication : 2010
4th Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
512 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-524-4

ISBN : 978-964-530-524-4

Like the first volume, in writing this book, the author’s goal is to acquaint undergraduate students of the Persian language and literature with another part of the history of Iranian literature. Therefore, in a purposeful plan, he introduced the literary periods, influential writers and poets of each period and their works in the historical context and explained their connection to the political, social, scientific, and cultural issues, and analyzed their language and style and examples of poetry and prose for each of them. This book covers a long period of time from the year 432 AH. which coincides with the beginning of the Seljuk period until the end of the Timurid period. The topics of the book are presented in three chapters, each of which includes three sections: introduction, prose, and poetry. The author has included the notes at the end of each chapter in a separate section to give students access to the resources for further reading. A number of photographs, maps and diagrams have also been added to the contents of the book so that students can more easily understand historical and literary periods.

Author(s) : S. Ali Asghar Mirbagheri Fard, PhD, et al