The History of Persian Literature (1)
The book History of Iranian Literature, written by a group of professors at the University of Isfahan (Gholam Hossein Sharifi Valadani, Hossein Agha Hosseini Dehaghani, and Mahmoud Barati Khansari) under the supervision of Dr. Seyyed Ali Asghar Mirbagherifard, is the first volume of the educational history of the “History of Persian Literature” project Which will be published in two basic and educational writings in the coming years by the “SAMT” organization. This book chronologically traces the history of Iranian literature from pre-Islamic times to 432 AH. (The end of the first period of Ghaznavid rule and the beginning of Seljuk rule and has been written in a descriptive-analytical manner. In each period, first, the political and social situation of the time is briefly stated and then the scientific and cultural situation and the underlying and influential elements such as religion, art, language, calligraphy, schools, and libraries are explained and the literary situation of that time in poetry and prose is examined. In introducing literary notable persons, first, their life and important literary works are examined and then examples of their poetry and prose are given. This book contains useful pictures, maps, and diagrams.