The Foundations of Communicology

Author(s) : Mohsen Nowkarizi, PhD, Seyyed Mehdi Narmanji
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2221
Updated At : 19 December 2021
First Print Publication : 2018
Available Languages : Persian
220 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0651-2

ISBN : 978-600-02-0651-2
Also Available as E-book

Information and communication are terms that are pervasive in today’s society and because of highly being exposed to people interaction, usually less attention is paid to their meaning and definition. The concepts of information and communication are closely related and similar in some respects, yet not exactly the same. From the 1940s onwards, different theories emerged in the field of information and communication, sometimes differing in nature and purpose. In addition, various models of the communication process are presented, but the main elements in all of them include source, channel, and destination. In this book, topics such as the basic concepts of communication, the impact of information and communication on the cultural, political, economic, and occupational structures of society, communication media, social networks, information ethics, information and communication policies, and the future of information and communication are studied.

Author(s) : Mohsen Nowkarizi, PhD, Seyyed Mehdi Narmanji