Introduction to Muslim Spirituality, Theology and Philosophy

Author(s) : Reza Berenjkar
Publisher : Aligarh Muslim University
In Cooperation with : SAMT
Code : 1817
Updated At : 11 January 2022
Published At : 2014/01/01
First Print Publication : 2014
Available Languages : English
208 Pages

Islam is not only a religion but a civilization. Muslims hold that the Qur’an is a miracle and usually it is said that it is a miracle for being a matchless masterpiece of Arabic literature. It is true; but the Qur’an is a greater miracle from the viewpoint that it unleashed the creative potentially of Muslims to an extent that within a century they created new sciences; studied sciences developed by the Greeks, Iranians and Indians and transformed them producing a big corpus of work in them. Not only that, they created` new sciences like Rijāl, Kalām, Sīrah, Fiqh, Uṣūl e Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence).

This book is designed to be a textbook in the Department of Shia Theology in the Faculty of Theology of Aligarh Muslim University.

Author(s) : Reza Berenjkar