Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)
The great book of "al-Tahrir fi Usul al-Fiqh”, by the late Ayatollah Sheikh Mohammad Reza Muzaffar was widely welcomed by teachers and scholars of the science of Uṣūl al-fiqh and in a short time it became one of the main educational texts in this field. Raising new topics in the science of Uṣūl al-fiqh, the use of some new teaching methods, the proper arrangement of content, etc. are the undeniable features of this book. However, some shortcomings cannot be ignored. Aside from the excessive breadth or complexity of some of the topics, ignoring important topics such as practical principles have distorted the comprehensiveness of this book. Considering the advantages of the book Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence and its general acceptance by academics and seminarians on the one hand, and introducing it as one of the main sources of the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence course on the other hand, it was worthwhile to eliminate its shortcomings by preserving the original body of the book. To achieve this goal, the present book was prepared. The authors of this work have tried to add some topics from other books, mainly the valuable book of the “General Principles of Comparative Jurisprudence”, and to omit some duplicate or complex contents understanding of which is difficult for the general scholars who are studying the book of the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence. Thus, the authors attempted to provide a more appropriate textbook. In the new edition, using the experiences of valuable professors, some changes have been made in the text. It is hoped that this effort will satisfy students and the seekers of religious sciences and those who are interested in the knowledge of Uṣūl al-fiqh.
تاریخچه علم اصول
مباحث الألفاظ
الملازَمات العقلیّه
مباحث الحجه
الاصول العملیه
خاتمهٌ فی الاجتهاد و التقلید