Groups : Economics

An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Microeconomics From the Islamic Perspective

Author(s) : M.J. Ansari, A. Dirbaz, M. M. Karami, M. H. Karami
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : The Research Institute of Howzeh and University
Code : 365
Updated At : 12 April 2021
First Print Publication : 1999
2nd Print Publication: 2014
Available Languages : Persian
204 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-459-366-6

ISBN : 978-964-459-366-6

In order to clarify the basics of Islamic economics and in the field of microeconomics, this book tries to discover the basics and principles of Islamic microeconomics and compare it with the roots of economic behavior in Islamic society with capitalist society. The topics of this book cover six sections and an introduction. The first section, which deals with assumptions about microeconomics, has two sub-chapters. In the first chapter, the extent to which theories are influenced by their assumptions is studied. The goals of theorizing, the stages of theory formation are other topics in this chapter. In the second chapter, rationality, which is the behavioral logic of microeconomics, is examined and then the logic appropriate to behavior in Islamic society is presented. In the second to fifth sections, the presuppositions related to specific topics of microeconomics are discussed and from this perspective, the demand and supply of goods and services, the economic market and welfare are examined. In the sixth part, the price system is generally evaluated in the capitalist society and the Islamic society.

Author(s) : M.J. Ansari, A. Dirbaz, M. M. Karami, M. H. Karami