Selected Descriptive Bibliography of Islamic Philosophy and Theology

Author(s) : Malihe Sabery Najafabady
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 529
Updated At : 29 September 2021
First Print Publication : 2001
Available Languages : Persian
148 Pages
ISBN : 964-459-552-1

ISBN : 964-459-552-1

In order to meet the needs of the academic community for specialized bibliographies in which reference sources, textbooks, and teaching aids in various fields are introduced, the Research Council of “SAMT” approved the plan to compile a bibliography of selected academic disciplines. This book is organized into three sections: theology, Islamic philosophy, and logic. The basis for selecting the described books, in addition to their scientific, scholastic, and historical reference and value, is the availability of these works to the general public, and naturally that manuscripts and uncorrected books, as well as rare books, have not been considered. Students of different disciplines are faced with questions in these cases during their studies, especially when they are required to do research; books in that field, the exact title of the book, the language of the original text, the author’s name and location, Persian translation if any, and dozens of other questions that have no answers even for some of them, make it difficult to advance the research and achieve its goals. Therefore, all of the above make compiling bibliographies inevitable.

Author(s) : Malihe Sabery Najafabady

Praised in the 9th Best Student Book,  2002