Child Custody in the Islamic Law

Author(s) : S`aid Nazari Tawakkuli
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : Astan Ghods Razavi Research Foundation
Code : 1044
Updated At : 20 December 2021
First Print Publication : 2006
2nd Print Publication: 2012
Available Languages : Persian
556 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-098-0

ISBN : 978-964-530-098-0

The rights of children and issues related to them in the Islamic legal system have been discussed and studied from various aspects. The compilation of the present book is aimed at providing complete and comprehensive information on this issue, and for this purpose, one of the Shiite jurisprudential texts, interpretive and narrative texts, as well as all chapters and documents related to the subject have been carefully researched. The author first presents the issues based on the opinions of jurists and then critiques and compares with the civil law. Examining the legal issues of breastfeeding, childcare and caring street children, and finally reviewing the documents of narrations is the way in which the content is classified and explained.

Author(s) : S`aid Nazari Tawakkuli