The Review of Schools and Methods in the Interpretation of the Qoran (1)

Author(s) : Ali Akbar Babaei
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : The Research Institute of Howzeh and University
Code : 1584
Updated At : 03 April 2021
Published At : 2019/11/24
First Print Publication : 2012
4th Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
288 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-5486-84-1

ISBN : 978-600-5486-84-1

One of the effective skills in proper interpretation of Holy Quran’s verses is familiarity with merits and shortcomings of interpretive schools, approaches, and books. Thus, a course entitled "Schools and Methods of Interpretation" or a similar course is offered in the fields of Quran Interpretation and Sciences. This work has been prepared as the textbook for this course and includes the following contents: 1. Introductory topics, including the semantics of "interpretive schools", "interpretive methods" and ... 2. The school and method of interpretation in the narrations narrated from the Infallible Imams (PBUH) 3. Review of the school and method of interpretation of the Companions and their followers, 4. Introduction and review of the school and method of pure narrative interpretation and some pure narrative interpretations, 5. Introduction and review of the school and methods of pure esoteric interpretation and some pure esoteric interpretations. The second volume of this book deals with introduction and review of other schools and interpretive methods.


Author(s) : Ali Akbar Babaei