Groups : Sunni Studies

Comparative Jurisprudential Verses

Author(s) : Khalil Gheblei Khoyi
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : University of Islamic Sects
Code : 1668
Updated At : 12 April 2021
First Print Publication : 2013
2nd Print Publication: 2014
Available Languages : Persian
200 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-858-0

ISBN : 978-964-530-858-0

Writing books on the jurisprudential verses has a very long history and these works have been written in different ways. While some have considered the order of the verses of the Qur'an, which is often followed by the Sunni and Jamaah scholars, others have used the order of jurisprudential verses as a criterion, some of which have been followed by Shiite Imami writers, and others have arranged their books in the order of the revelation of verses. The method of the authors in writing this book is based on the division of jurisprudential verses into worships, contracts and obligations, which is taken from the title of the curriculum of comparative jurisprudential verses course in the Faculty of Islamic Jurisprudence of the University of Islamic Sects.

Author(s) : Khalil Gheblei Khoyi