Groups : Sunni Studies

Shafe'i Jurisprudence Rudiments

Author(s) : Farzad Parsa, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2090
Updated At : 23 January 2022
Published At : 2017/04/08
First Print Publication : 2017
Available Languages : Persian
148 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0465-5

ISBN : 978-600-02-0465-5
Also Available as E-book

Jurisprudence is "knowledge of practical religious rules acquired from detailed evidence" and is derived from the Qur'an, hadith, consensus (Ijma), and deductive analogy (Qiyās). Jurisprudence covers all aspects of human life in its worldly and otherworldly rules and is related to many other sciences, such as theology, principles of Islamic jurisprudence, Quranic sciences, hadith sciences and maxims of Islamic law. Jurisprudence has a life as long as the advent of Islam and has gone through various stages, and different religions and schools have emerged from it. The subject of jurisprudence is the rights and property and practical / verbal possessions of the obligees in terms of their attribution to the Shari'a rules.

Author(s) : Farzad Parsa, PhD