An Introduction to the Catholic Church

Author(s) : Javad Baghbani, Abas Rasoulzadeh, Under the Supervision of Hossein Tofighi
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1776
Updated At : 19 April 2021
Published At : 2020/11/08
First Print Publication : 2014
Available Languages : Persian
568 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-982-2
Price : IRR 155,000

ISBN : 978-964-530-982-2

Islam and Christianity are monotheistic and Abrahamic religions and the sacred texts of both religions contain common messages on religious, moral and social issues. The Holy Qur'an calls on the followers of these religions to interact with each other in monotheism and godliness. The Catholic Church is the largest Christian community with a population of about one billion. This church is older than the Orthodox and Protestant Christian communities. Since it is not possible to talk about a sect of a religion without talking about the principle of that religion, part of the discussion in this series is about the principle of Christianity.

Author(s) : Javad Baghbani, Abas Rasoulzadeh, Under the Supervision of Hossein Tofighi

Selected Book of the 17th Howzeh Book of the Year, 2014