
Author(s) : Shahab Al-Din Vahidi Mehrjerdi, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1850
Updated At : 19 April 2021
Published At : 2019/10/08
First Print Publication : 2014
3rd Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
212 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0095-4
Price : IRR 180,000

ISBN : 978-600-02-0095-4

After the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and in the first centuries of Islam, the concept of faith was the starting point of intellectual controversy among Muslims. Due to the significance of this issue, different theories emerged. As a result, various sects and theological tendencies emerged with special ideas, one of which is Murjiʾah, the founder of which was Hassan ibn Muhammad Hanifa in the second half of the first century AH in the city of Kufa. He explained and developed some ideas that later became the cornerstone of repetitive negative thinking, and gradually the theories and ideas of this sect spread to all parts of the Islamic world, and followers and adherents gathered around it. In this thought, faith is independent of action and is merely applied to verbal confession or heartfelt salutation or the sum of the two. Not to express the verdict of the great sin perpetrator, Salat al-jama'ah (Congregational Prayer) prayer behind every Imam- even if he is a tyrant - and to follow them in order to maintain Islamic unity, were among this sect’s teachings. These approaches led those who shunned the Shari'a and practice the pillars of religion and at the same time longed for religiosity, to turn to this sect. The oppressors and the wicked of the Islamic societies, in order to maintain their government and power, found such an attitude useful, and propagated, promoted and defended this sect. However, these false and absurd opinions were never hidden from the view of the pure Imams, and they rejected them and forbade the Muslims from these beliefs. This sect declined in the third century; however, some of their ideas and beliefs did not disappear and were absorbed in other sects and have continued to this day.

Author(s) : Shahab Al-Din Vahidi Mehrjerdi, PhD

Selected Book of the 1st Dehkhoda Badge Festival, 2015