Essays on Therapeutic Abortion and Embryo Reduction from Medical, Theological, Legal and Ethical Approaches

Author(s) : A Group of Authors
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : Royan Institute
Code : 1869
Updated At : 19 April 2021
Published At : 2014/12/07
First Print Publication : 2014
Available Languages : Persian
400 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0115-9
Price : IRR 180,000

ISBN : 978-600-02-0115-9

Reproductive assistance methods have advanced a lot in recent years. These methods, with all the benefits they have in maintaining the foundation of the family, may tarnish human dignity. Therefore, before using these technologies, rules and regulations should be set that regulate the do's and don'ts of relationships. This book contains articles with theories about it in two sections: "Subjectology" and "Jurisprudence, Law and Ethics". Obviously, the published articles express the views of the esteemed authors and do not support any belief or practice, but we hope that this work will be a reliable source for the competent authorities to get acquainted with various theories and select the best, because this is the advised approach by God Almighty in the Holy Quran to humanity.

Author(s) : A Group of Authors