Medical, Legal, Islamic Jurisprudential, Ethical-philosophical, Social and Psychological Aspects of ABORTION

Author(s) : A Group of authors
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : Ibn Sina Research Center
Code : 1135
Updated At : 31 October 2021
Published At : 2009/09/01
First Print Publication : 2007
Available Languages : Persian
532 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-211-3

ISBN : 978-964-530-211-3

This book is the endeavor of a group of writers from different fields of study such as medicine, law, religious jurisprudence, philosophy, ethics, psychology and sociology to elucidate different aspects of the issue of abortion, which has been presented in an interdisciplinary seminar with the same name.
The book organizes the articles in four parts related to four fields of medicine, socio-psychological, jurisprudence, and legal. In the medical part the following articles are presented: the reduction of the number of fetuses in multiple conception; a study of people in a legal medical centre asking for abortion license from June 1999 to May 1999; the relation of age and the number of pregnancies with abortion due to infections; complications of insecure abortions; the role and importance of obstetrics in preventions from unwanted pregnancies and abortions; the study of the biological aspects of abortions due to infections in Fatemiah hospital from September 1995 to 2002; abortion as a way of preventing intense congenital deformations; the report of the death of a mother following a felonious abortion; the abortion and mother-fetus complications rate in cardiac patients with artificial cardiac valves under treatment with Warfarin; study of the reasons for the death of mothers in cases of felonious abortions; study of the rate of abortions and death ensued by it in Mo’tazedi hospital in Kermanshah during the period of 1992-2001; intentional abortions in Ayatollah Taleghani hospital affiliated with Shahid Beheshti Medical University in the years 2001 and 2002; estimation of abortions due to unwanted pregnancies in Iran (the year 1995); epidemiologic of abortion among women in clinics in Qom (the year 2002); pharmaceutical abortions; the study of the rate of parents’ awareness about the methods of detecting thalassaemia major during pregnancy among parents of children afflicted with this complication.

In the part on ethical articles following papers are presented: ethical methods of abortion; the struggle of life: a short study of the theories of abortion; birth control without abortion.

In the part on socio-psychological articles these papers are delivered: the necessity of studying different aspects of abortion in Iran; study of the epidemiology of psychological complications and complications of abortions in twenty cases (Kermanshah, 2002); health, its dimensions and its relation to abortion; unwanted pregnancies and influential factors on it in Iran; abortion and psychological disorders; study of the reasons for legal abortions in Kermanshah (1996-2001) study of the rate of abortion (intentional or not).
In the part on jurisprudence and legality these papers are presented: artificial abortion in the world view of the Armenian Gregorian Christians’ church; abortion in Islamic religious jurisprudence; the judicial study of abortion in Australia with a brief review of its legally liberal principles; the laws of abortion and sterilization in Shariah; abortion in Judaism; abortion in Christianity; abortion in view of Islamic jurisprudence; intentional abortion in view of Sunni jurisprudence; abortion and human rights in the mirror of international law; legal dimensions of abortion; abortion in view of Shariah and jurisprudence.
There are tables and graphs in the book.

Author(s) : A Group of authors