Groups : Geography

Architectural Climatology and Building Energy Management

Author(s) : Hasan Zolfaghari, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1919
Updated At : 26 September 2021
Published At : 2015/04/01
First Print Publication : 2015
Available Languages : Persian
276 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0191-3
Price : IRR 95,000

ISBN : 978-600-02-0191-3

The impact of climatic factors and elements on the architecture of residential environments is one of the valuable and practical topics of the science of climatology, which has come to be of outstanding importance, especially in recent years, due to the growing importance of fossil energy resources, on the one hand, and the very challenging consequences of increasing consumption of these resources on the environment, on the other hand. Great efforts have been in this book to discuss and explain the scientific principles as well as the practical and applied methods of this useful and valuable field of science.

Author(s) : Hasan Zolfaghari, PhD