Political Jurisprudence

Author(s) : Mansour MirAhmadi, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : the Council of Transformation and Promotion of the Humanities
Code : 1987
Updated At : 28 September 2021
Published At : 2016/04/05
First Print Publication : 2016
Available Languages : Persian
124 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0285-9
Price : IRR 50,000

ISBN : 978-600-02-0285-9
Also Available as E-book

Jurisprudence and politics have a special relationship in the history of Islamic thought and both have evolved in Islamic culture and civilization regarding the practice of Muslims; Jurisprudence deals with the actions of the obliged persons and the politics, pay attention to their political actions, and the confusion of Muslim political action with Islamic law and culture has led to the connection between the two. In this book, the author tries to show the relationship between jurisprudence and politics and how the knowledge of political jurisprudence developed, and then explains the jurisprudential-political theorizing on politics. This book is the result of more than a decade of research activity of the author in the field of political jurisprudence and teaching this course in universities and scientific and seminary centers. In this work, the author has tried to provide a suitable textbook, to briefly introduce political jurisprudence by explaining the relations so that in addition to political science students, it is also useful for other scholars in the field of jurisprudence and politics.


Author(s) : Mansour MirAhmadi, PhD