Groups : Geography

The Place of Village in Regional Planning

Author(s) : Hamid Jalalian, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2054
Updated At : 23 January 2022
Published At : 2017/03/29
First Print Publication : 2017
Available Languages : Persian
248 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0409-9

ISBN : 978-600-02-0409-9

Regional planning has a special position in geographical sciences. The author has tried to formulate issues related to the village and rural development in the form of regional planning by taking into consideration the position of the village and its socio-economic functions in the regional system. He has also analyzed and discussed the important issues of regional planning, including theories and approaches of regional development, the necessities and fields of rural planning, the zoning of the country, and the grading of rural spaces. He further emphasizes that the development of villages is not possible except in the form of regional planning. Studying this book helps university students and scholars to have a clearer understanding of regional systems.

Author(s) : Hamid Jalalian, PhD