A Book of Art in Islamic Civilization

Author(s) : Mehran Hoshyar, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2152
Updated At : 19 December 2021
First Print Publication : 2017
Available Languages : Persian
348 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0545-4

ISBN : 978-600-02-0545-4
Also Available as E-book

In the first steps of the history of human life and the previous millennia, when human beings tried to meet their physical and spiritual needs in order to obtain the various materials of nature and give it form and meaning, artificial art/s(handicrafts) were created and studied. Today, in the second decade of the third millennium AD, and the world is completely different from the past, the artificial arts have maintained their position and many countries try to pursue their economic and cultural goals to further enhance it. Our Iran, with its many historical honors in traditional arts and in line with other advanced nations, can think of reviving its valuable artificial arts in order to create the glory of tomorrow. We hope that this tiny step will be a small effort in this direction.

Author(s) : Mehran Hoshyar, PhD