Groups : Management

Business Analysis

Author(s) : Hashem Aghazadeh, PhD, Mohammad Mehdi Latifi, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2288
Updated At : 19 December 2021
Published At : 2019/01/01
First Print Publication : 2019
620 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-0737-3

ISBN : 978-600-02-0737-3
Also Available as E-book

Business analysis refers to analyzing the environmental and internal factors of the business to improve the quality of decision-making and action in the field of management and development. This book is presented in three sections: Basics and Application of Business Analysis, References and Indicators of Business Analysis, and Business Analysis Techniques. In the first part to the basics and geography of business, principles, and applications of business analysis, and anatomy of business analysis, The second section describes business analysis references, business analysis indicators: “ease of doing business”, “global competitiveness”, and macro-environmental analysis indicators., and in the third section, business analysis techniques are discussed. In addition to students, this book is recommended for researchers and business owners.

Author(s) : Hashem Aghazadeh, PhD, Mohammad Mehdi Latifi, PhD