History of Jurisprudence and Jurisprudents

Author(s) : Abolqassem Gorji, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 201
Updated At : 12 January 2021
First Print Publication : 1996
17th Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
372 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-459-426-7

ISBN : 978-964-459-426-7

There is no doubt that knowing how a science has generated and developed could be beneficial in understanding the subjects related to that science. Without recognizing the scientific works and approaches used by the scholars, it is impossible to review the developmental process of a science. So, it is necessary to study the history of jurisprudence, its scholars and their principles to have a better understanding of the subject.
This book is consisted of an introductory section on the sources of the history of jurisprudence along with four consequent sections. Section 1: Religion era. This period begins with the mission of the Holy Prophet of Islam and ends with his demise. The following issues are discussed within this period: Is the Holy Quran gathered and compiled during the Prophet's life time or in the period of the first four caliphs succeeding him? Did the Prophet (SAW) practice jurisprudence himself? Did the Prophet's companions and other scholars of that time practice jurisprudence?
A brief history of the Prophet's life had been provided and those who recoded the revelations have been introduced.
Section 2: A brief description of different stages in the Sunni jurisprudence and the jurisprudents is presented. This era consists of phases as follows. The first phase: the Prophet's companions (majors and minors); the second phase: the followers (second generation after the Prophet's mission) era; the third phase: the time related to the leaders of different religious doctrines; the fourth phase: the time of halt in practicing jurisprudence and resorting to different doctrines; the fifth phase: the time of absolute religious following; the sixth phase: the present time.S
Section 3: The different stages in Shiite jurisprudence and introducing its jurisprudents and scholars. The development of jurisprudence in Shiite viewpoint should be studied through the times as follows. The first phase: the time of commentary and explanation. It refers to the time of the infallible Imams. The second phase: the time of tradition relaters. This period is the time of relaters such as Koleini, Sadoogh and others. The third phase: the time in which practicing jurisprudence began. It refers to the time of two former narrators and the related gradual
development. This time period encompasses Sheik Mofid and Seyed Morteza's life time. The fourth phase: the time during which practicing jurisprudence reached its zenith (Sheikh Toussi era); the fifth phase: the time of following the religious leaders (a century after Sheikh Toussi era); the sixth phase: the resurgent time: the seventh phase: the time of foundation of akhbarian doctrine; the eighth phase: the new time of inference; the ninth phase: the present time.
Section 4: The different stages in jurisprudence principles and the related scholars. The first section discusses the generation of jurisprudence principles as a science and its position amongst other sciences and the second section deals with its development through history.


Provided for the students of Jurisprudence and the basics of Islamic law as the main textbook for the courses “History of Jurisprudence and Jurisprudent (1&2)”, this book consists of an introductory section on the sources of the history of jurisprudence along with four consequent sections on jurisprudence scholars and their principles to have a better understanding of the subject.

Author(s) : Abolqassem Gorji, PhD