The Collections of Shiite Hadith

Author(s) : Hadi Hojjat, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : the University of Quran and Hadith
Code : 1162
Updated At : 11 January 2021
Published At : 2019/09/01
First Print Publication : 2007
9th Print Publication: 2018
Available Languages : Persian
276 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-241-0

ISBN : 978-964-530-241-0

As the most important way to retrieve the Sunnah (tradition) of Infallibles, Hadith plays the central role in deducing the Islamic injunctions and teachings and thus forming the varying Islamic religious sects. There is no doubt that the rich heritage of Shiite thought in various spheres of jurisprudence, faith, and ethics owes much to the endeavors of scholars, and Muhadithin (collectors of Hadiths) who have recorded invaluable treasury in their works and handed them down to next generations. A
substantial part of the heritage of Hadiths has been recorded in a collection under the title of Hadith Communities.
This collection tries to introduce Shiite Hadith communities and their authors.
It, comprised of fifteen lessons, historically introduces each of early and late Shiite Hadith communities. Also, attempts are made to prepare the ground for the ever-increasing reference of the readers to the books of Hadith communities through the classification of the discussions by raising questions and referring to various researches and quoting sample texts from each of the Hadith communities and not restricting the book to theoretical debates.
The book discusses the Shiite Muhadithin and their works in fifteen chapters. Early communities; Koleyni and Kafi; Sheikh Sadugh and the book Man Lā Yahzaraho Al-Faghih; Sheikh Tūsi and Tahzib Al-Ahkām; Tahzib and Estebsar; Feiz Kashani and Vā fi; Allameh Majlesi and Behar Al-Anvā r, Sheikh Horr Āmeli and Vasāel Al-Shiah; Mustadrak Al-Masāel and Jāme’ Ahādith Al-Shiah.

Compiled for the BA students of Hadith studies for the course Shiite Hadith communitiesas the main textbook as well as MA students of the Quran and Hadith studies for the course “A History of Hadithas a secondary textbook, this book tries to introduce Shiite Hadith communities and their authors and discusses the Shiite Muhadithin and their works.

Author(s) : Hadi Hojjat, PhD