An Introduction to Philosophy (Derived from the Works of Professor Shaheed Mortaza Motahhari)

Author(s) : Abdorrasul Obudiyat
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1267
Updated At : 11 January 2021
Published At : 2015/09/01
First Print Publication : 2008
Available Languages : Persian
456 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-411-793-0

ISBN : 978-964-411-793-0

Professor Motahari believed that in philosophy, conceiving a theme is often more difficult than proving it, exactly contrary in the Euclidean geometry, in which proving a theme is more difficult than its conception. Based on this fact, Motahari is considered as one of those who put emphasis on conceiving philosophical subjects and tries to clarify them. In addition, while explaining the reasoning, he describes the reasoning elements separately and when necessary gives details for every individual aspect. Briefly speaking, he has an articulate and analytical way of expressing issues easily understood for those who start studying philosophy. Anyway, none of his books are used as academic course books. That is why the author was instigated to compile a course book, 'introductory philosophy', from Motahari's works, to create an opportunity for those interested in studying the Islamic philosophy though a Persian book, which is written fluently in detail and in a relatively analytical way from a knowledgeable author.  Apart from few cases referred to in footnotes, the whole book text is the exact words of Prof. Motahari. The only difference is in modification of the original speaking style to the written style; and the repeated parts have been discarded. In some other cases, the sequence of presented materials has been slightly modified. Likewise, the arrangement of the book is carried out by the author .
The present book is considered as a complete course to study philosophy, including generalities,theology, and the natural sciences presented in 40 chapters. It is consisted of introductory and 11 sections. The introductory section, presented in three parts, includes discussions regarding philosophy. The first section is mainly about the existence concept expressed in two chapters; in the second section the existence truth is explained in two subsections; the third section, in two chapters, discusses the nonexistence; the forth section talks about understanding arranged in four chapters; the fifth section is regarding the triad materials and the related issues in three chapters; the sixth section explains about causality and the related discussion in seven chapters; the seventh section discusses the categories subject in five chapters; the eighth section is about motion explained in three chapters; the Divine essence is set forth in three chapters in the ninth section; the tenth section in two chapters gives explanations about the Divine attributes; and the eleventh chapter is about the Divine deeds presented in four chapters .

Prepared for the students majoring in theology and Islamic sciences and Islamic philosophy and Kalaam, and Sufism and mysticism as the main textbook for the course "Islamic Philosophy", this book is considered as a complete course to study philosophy. Apart from few cases referred to in footnotes, the whole book text is the exact words of Prof. Motahari.

Author(s) : Abdorrasul Obudiyat