Dr. Ahmad Rasem Al-Nafis, the Egyptian thinker, visited Dr. Davoud Mahdavizadegan.

On the sidelines of Dr. Ahmad Rasem Al-Nafis’ participation in the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Imam Ḥussein(PBUH) entitled “The Ḥusseini Epic, the Enlightened Path of Religiosity and Freedom”, held on February 2, 2025, the Head of SAMT hosted the Egyptian thinker, Dr. Ahmad Rasem Al-Nafis, at the SAMT organization central building on Monday, February 3, 2025.
At the beginning of this meeting, Dr. Ahmad Rasem Al-Nafis thanked and appreciated the invitation to attend this important international scientific event, as well as the careful planning and good hosting of SAMT.
In this meeting, the two sides discussed and exchanged views on the scientific and cultural relations between the two countries, areas of cooperation, authorship, translation and publication of academic works, especially works that are in line with the activities and missions of SAMT; moreover the two sides decided to review three titles of Dr. Ahmad Rasem Al-Nafis in the three areas: the transformation of the Islamic world from strength to weakness; the situation of Shiism in Egypt; and secularism.
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