A Textbook in Philosophical Psychology

Author(s) : Mohammad Taqi Yūsufi
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute
Code : 1736
Updated At : 29 September 2021
First Print Publication : 2013
5th Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
320 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-980-8
Price : IRR 210,000

ISBN : 978-964-530-980-8

Is man this tangible material body or does he have a soul besides the body? If he has a soul, is the human soul a one-dimensionality, in such a way that it is either purely material or purely abstract? Or is it a two-dimensional substance that benefits from both materiality and abstraction? Is the human soul old or incidental? And assuming it happened, was it created before the body or with the body? Is the soul movable or stable and does not change? Do human populations fit into a single type or are there different types for them? Is population reincarnation rationally possible? And if it is possible, is it necessary? Does the human soul continue to live after death or is it destroyed by the decay of the body? What is the meaning of happiness and what is its example? And...? Philosophical psychology tries to answer such questions.

Author(s) : Mohammad Taqi Yūsufi