Woman in the Qur'an

Author(s) : Hossein Bostan (Najafi), Reza Dehghan Nejad
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : the Council of Transformation and Promotion of the Humanities, The Research Institute of Howzeh and University
Code : 2244
Updated At : 19 December 2021
First Print Publication : 2018
Available Languages : Persian
194 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-298-243-8

ISBN : 978-600-298-243-8

Today, as a result of the dramatic social and cultural changes that have taken place in human societies, “woman” has gone beyond a mere subject or issue and has emerged as a broad field of study in which different schools of thought with different philosophical sources compete with each other. On the other hand, the Holy Quran is the main and original source of understanding religion, which in all fields of religious knowledge, we need to refer to it and think about its verses, and according to the comprehensive view of the Holy Quran on the Worldly and Hereafter, individual and social dimensions of women’s lives, the field of Quranic and Islamic studies of women can be considered as a rich and wide-ranging field of religious knowledge. Accordingly, this book contains an attempt to depict a relatively comprehensive picture of the Holy Qur’an’s view of women, which is presented to those interested in the form of an educational text.

Author(s) : Hossein Bostan (Najafi), Reza Dehghan Nejad