Turquoise Silk: A Selection of Persian Historical Texts with Explanations

Author(s) : Mohammad Jafar Yahaghi, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 2348
Updated At : 19 December 2021
First Print Publication : 2020
Available Languages : Persian
544 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-02-2099-0

ISBN : 978-600-02-2099-0

The necessity of familiarizing Persian literature students with different literary fields in a specialized and at the same time simple and pleasant way is not hidden from anyone. One of the ways to this acquaintance is the knowledge of the historiography and books related to the history and biography of the predecessors. Fortunately, the histories written in Persian in different periods belong to the whole territory of the Persian language and not necessarily to the geographical Iran of today; A territory that stretches from Asia Minor (present-day Anatolia or Turkey) and the western and southwestern parts of present-day Iran to historic Khorasan and Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent. In the introduction and selection of parts of this book, according to the course plan that was foreseen for this purpose in the Persian Language and Literature Planning Committee, Persian histories are discussed with emphasis on the history of Bayhaqi. Due to the limited pages of the book, we have inevitably mentioned only some of the important chronicles and selected some or short pieces from some of them. Before selecting the piece, a very brief introduction of each work is given so that students can read the book with sufficient knowledge.

Author(s) : Mohammad Jafar Yahaghi, PhD