A Collection of Papers on the Literature of Islamic Revolution

Author(s) : Vida Shaghaghi, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 102
Updated At : 16 October 2021
First Print Publication : 1994
Available Languages : Persian
672 Pages
ISBN : 964-459-102-x

ISBN : 964-459-102-x

This book contains the seminar proceeding on the study of the Islamic Revolution, which was organized by The Organization for Researching and Composing University textbook (SAMT) from December 3 to 5, 1991. The Great Islamic Revolution of Iran is one of the greatest religious-political events of the century in the Islamic world. This revolution has its own literature and the Iranian nation with a rich history of literature and a rich religious culture when it was in the heart of the great religious revolution and had a steely resistance during and after the imposed war, has created literature commensurate with that revolution with the same depth and purity. SAMT Organization has considered the literature of the revolution and its recording, analysis and study as its obligatory duty and in order to achieve this goal, it has organized a seminar, which is the result and summary of this book.

Author(s) : Vida Shaghaghi, PhD