The Selection of Meybodi’s Kašf ol-Asrār va Oddat ol-Abrār

Author(s) : M. M.Rokni Yazdi, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 127
Updated At : 16 October 2021
First Print Publication : 1995
14th Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
296 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-546-6

ISBN : 978-964-530-546-6
Also Available as E-book

The book “The Selection of Meybodi’s Kašf ol-Asrār va Oddat ol-Abrār” has been written in two books: The first book deals with the literary features of the interpretation of “Kašf ol-Asrār va Oddat ol-Abrār” and is the introduction of this book. In this book, there are issues about the life and belief and interpretive method of Abolfazl Meybodi, the features of translating the verses of this book, the morphology and syntactic features, the rhythmic prose, and the style of the book. In the second book, seventy selected pieces, mainly from the third section (Alnawbah althaalithuh) and parts of the second section (alnawbah althaaniyh), along with the description and explanation of its terms and literary points, are given in the form of ten sections. This book has been compiled by Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Rokni Yazdi and includes the concepts of mystical interpretation of the Holy Quran in Persian. The book has useful guidebooks, including a list of verses, hadiths, unknown indices, sources, a glossary, and a descriptive list of articles about the book and its author.

Author(s) : M. M.Rokni Yazdi, PhD