English for the Students of The Army

Author(s) : Mostafa Khaksar, Mahmood Alaeezadeh
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 334
Updated At : 12 January 2021
First Print Publication : 1999
Available Languages : English
186 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-459-334-0

ISBN : 978-964-459-334-0

1. Defense in Islam
2. Conduct of the Defense
3. Staff Principles
4. Fundamentals of Combat Operations (At Battalion Level)
5. Offensive Airmobile Operations
6. Tactical Cover and Deception
7. Combat Service Support (Organic and Nonorganic)
8. Armored Cavalry Units
9. The Rifle Company, Platoon & Squad
10. Rounds Projectiles
11. Field Artillery Supporting Amphibious Operations
12. Military Vehicles
13. The Hostile Guerrilla Force
14. Indirect Fire System (Mortars)
15. Map Reading Mosaics and Photomaps
16. Helicopters (Missions, Types, Armaments, & Attack Techniques)

Author(s) : Mostafa Khaksar, Mahmood Alaeezadeh