Groups : Arts

Pottery Technique and Art

Author(s) : Faegh Tohidi
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 406
Updated At : 20 December 2021
First Print Publication : 2000
12th Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
448 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-459-415-1

ISBN : 978-964-459-415-1

The pottery discovered from excavation should be considered as rich treasures in the civilization and culture of the past, which can only be recognized and identified in terms of chronology and history with the help of technical design of pottery. The present book has been compiled with the aim of introducing and classifying pottery samples in different periods of Iranian history and referring to their historical sequence and characteristics. In this collection, in addition to introducing the technical and decorative features of pottery, the history of the art of pottery, how to use clay, kilns and glazes, as well as the technical design of pottery are discussed. Those who are interested in the art of pottery can read this book and, after observing a piece of pottery, reconstruct the edge or handle or bottom of a pot or design it. Therefore, pottery can be considered the alphabet of archeology and all scientific studies and excavation.

Author(s) : Faegh Tohidi