Philosophy of Power

Author(s) : Sayyed Abbass Nabavi
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : The Research Institute of Howzeh and University
Code : 454
Updated At : 28 September 2021
First Print Publication : 2000
5th Print Publication: 2016
Available Languages : Persian
476 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-459-472-4

ISBN : 978-964-459-472-4

This work is a study on the most important issue of political philosophy, namely “Philosophy of Power” and in the light of Islamic thought, firstly, both analytical and hybrid approaches, and theories compatible with both views are given. Secondly, it benefits from rationality and experience in line with Islamic guidelines and teachings to the maximum extent possible. In many issues, along with the topics of philosophy and showing empirical evidence, the verses of the Holy Quran and the narrations of the infallibles have been mentioned a lot, Which well bridges the gap for research and study of various aspects of political philosophy. Political science students are the most important target for this book, which is thought-provoking and at the beginning of a journey to resolve the conflict between “science and religion”, “reason and revelation” and “reason and experience”.

Author(s) : Sayyed Abbass Nabavi

Praised in the 3rd Howzeh book of the Year Award, 2000