Thirty Odes of Naser Khosrow
The book Thirty Odes of Naser Khosrow written by Dr. Gholam Mohammad Taheri Mobarakeh contains a description and explanation of thirty odes by Naser Khosrow. This book has an introduction about the Ismailis, the socio-political situation of Naser Khosrow’s life, the stylistic features of Naser Khosrow’s poetry, word formation, and imaginative forms in his poetry. In this book, an attempt has been made to select poems and odes which are a complete diagram of Naser Khosrow’s thought and poetic style. In the description of the verses, lexical issues, Qur’anic allusions, references to hadiths, references to social, cultural, and religious issues of the poet’s life, references to scientific and doctrinal issues of that time, and sometimes etymology of words have been considered.