English for the Students of Industrial Management

Author(s) : Masood Kasaee, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 731
Updated At : 12 January 2021
First Print Publication : 2003
7th Print Publication: 2016
Available Languages : English
208 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-459-769-5

ISBN : 978-964-459-769-5

1. Principles of Operations Management
2. Productivity
3. Competitive Advantage
4. Quality Management
5. Product Dcvelopment
6. Three Process Strategies
7. Business Pocess Reengineering
8. Production Precesses and Technology
9. Labor Planning
10. Purchasing Management
11. Material Management
12. Project Management
13. Facility Location and Layout
14. Just-In-Time

Author(s) : Masood Kasaee, PhD