Private International Law: Introduction, Nationality, Domicile, Status of Aliens and Refugees, Extradition and Foreign Investment in Iran
Private international law sometimes referred to as conflict of law, is a set of rules and regulations which regulates international legal relations between individuals or legal entities. Thus what is related to private international law extends from one country to another. Considering that private international law and legal rules in this field regulate the relations of individuals in international life, refugees, criminals, and foreign investors who are a group of people influenced by the laws and regulations of the domestic legal systems of the host country. In addition to addressing the issues mentioned in private international law, the author of this book also addresses specific issues for these groups under the headings of refugee status, extradition of criminals, and the status of foreign investment in Iran to review and analyze the Iranian laws and regulations governing them. Also, the author has spent many years of his life researching and teaching in this field, in this article he has tried to write about the issues of private international law and its contemporary developments.