Groups : Arts

The Actor's Voice and Speech (1)

Author(s) : Davood Daneshvar
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 965
Updated At : 13 October 2021
First Print Publication : 2005
8th Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
204 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-011-9

ISBN : 978-964-530-011-9

This book is a serious and relatively extensive effort and reflection to draw up the principles of the voice and speech based on personal, group experiences and perspectives from the past and present, which contains knowledgeable guidelines for students of theater, cinema, as well as directors and anyone who are somewhat deal with vocal activities and speech especially in different practical voice exercises. Those who are very interested in improving their voice skills can increase their theoretical and practical knowledge by reading this book and respond to their performance and acting requirements. In different chapters of this book, you will get acquainted with the history of voice transmission from the golden age of Greek and Roman Theater to today’s experiences. You will learn the organs of speech and how they function and their role in voice production, and through exercises, you will practically test them related to the text. You will experience the different ways of time and schedule with its specific exercises. You will find information about the difference between melodic voice and speech voice along with exercises in this regard, and you will get acquainted with the views of empiricists like Grotowski, Brooke, Manushkin, and Wilson ... as well as the world’s leading theater schools and how to teach them and many other useful topics.

Author(s) : Davood Daneshvar

Selected in the 24th IRI Book of the Year Award, 2006