Educational Schools and Attitudes in Islamic Civilization

Author(s) : Saeed Esmaeel Ali, PhD Mohammad Javad Reza, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : The Research Institute of Howzeh and University
Code : 994
Updated At : 10 October 2021
First Print Publication : 2005
4th Print Publication: 2012
Available Languages : Persian
396 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-039-3

ISBN : 978-964-530-039-3

The aim of this project is to research the various schools of thought that have long emerged in the field of Muslim educational thought in order to provide the ground for extensive research in this regard by raising the issue. In this book, a number of trends in the educational thought of the Islamic world in the past and present have been discussed, and through this, the basic features of educational thought in Islam are mentioned first; Then it refers to education from the point of view of jurists, theologians, philosophers, Sufis, scientists of experimental sciences, narrators and rationalists; Then the cultural dimensions of the Arab educational thought movement in the sixteenth to twentieth centuries in Arab countries are discussed. In the following, political and social factors, as well as foreign factors involved in new trends in education in Arab countries, are mentioned. The first part of this book is a summary of the book Ettijahat al-Fikr al-Tarbawi al-Arabi al-Islami, by Dr. Saeed Ismail Ali. The fourth chapter is the translation of the book Al-Fikr Al-Tarbawi Al-Arabi Al-Islami, by Dr. Mohammad Javad Reza, and the second part of the project is the translation of several chapters of the book Al-Fikr Al-Tarbawi Al-Arabi Al-Hadith, by Dr. Saeed Ismail Ali.

Author(s) : Saeed Esmaeel Ali, PhD Mohammad Javad Reza, PhD

Selected Book of the 8th Howzeh Book of the Year Award, 2006