Groups : Economics

Mathematical Economics: Methods and Applications

Author(s) : Ali Souri, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1076
Updated At : 20 December 2021
First Print Publication : 2007
6th Print Publication: 2011
Available Languages : Persian
532 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-141-3

ISBN : 978-964-530-141-3
Also Available as E-book

Economics and mathematics in a two-way relationship are two complementary disciplines, and especially mathematics and statistics are widely used in modern economics. Mathematical economics refers to the application of mathematical quantitative methods in order to analyze the economic problems and describe its theories. Static and dynamic equilibrium analysis with numerical examples, various applications of dynamic analysis, static and dynamic optimization, game theory and data-output table and its applications in economic analysis are the key topics of this book, which are described in detail in five sections. In this book, the author attempts to provide mathematical methods at the beginning of each chapter, while maintaining the sequence of relevant topics. The contents of this book have been compiled for economics students at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

Author(s) : Ali Souri, PhD

Selected Book of the 2nd Book of the Season Award, 2007

Highly-Praised in the 26th Book of the Year Award, 2008