Theories of Muslim Scientists in Education and Its Principles (Vol.V): Feiz Kashani
Feyz Kashani, due to his scientific comprehensiveness and having numerous and various fields of knowledge, and due to his great acquaintance with the narrations and teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt Infallibles (pbuh), theorized in various fields, including Islamic education and ethics, and wrote his genuine ethical and educational ideas, thoughts, and attitudes. In this research, Feyz Kashani’s views in the field of ethical education, sexual education, mystical education, and social education have been studied and the brilliant way of self-purification, mystical behavior, and knowledge of satisfaction, guidance, and direction of sexual instinct has been expressed. Of course, in the first step, the foundations and basics of Feyz Kashani’s educational thought have been examined as the foundations of anthropology, epistemology, and ontology of education.
Selected book of the 7th Book of the Season Award, 2008
Selected Book of the 27th of the IRI Book of the Year Award, 2009