Analysis of Persian Poetry

Author(s) : Naser Nikoubakht, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : The Council for the Development of Persian Language and Literature
Code : 1388
Updated At : 11 January 2022
First Print Publication : 2010
3rd Print Publication: 2014
Available Languages : Persian
196 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-504-6

ISBN : 978-964-530-504-6
Also Available as E-book

This book has been compiled as a textbook for non-Iranian language- learners and student of Persian language and literature as well as on-job training courses for professors and student abroad. Considering the instructive purpose of the book, poems have been arranged, defined and analyzed in terms of the formats of Persian poetry, from short to long. Aside from providing the meaning of the poems, some brief explanations of the literary terms and technical points have been added.

Author(s) : Naser Nikoubakht, PhD