Life Skills for Students

Author(s) : Mohammad Reza Keramati, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1532
Updated At : 10 October 2021
Published At : 2019/11/03
First Print Publication : 2011
6th Print Publication: 2019
Available Languages : Persian
332 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-690-6

ISBN : 978-964-530-690-6
Also Available as E-book

The Life Skills for Students book is introduced in three sections: social skills, educational skills, and skills related to social injury prevention. Much of the content in the book is an exercise in reinforcing the skills that students have learned in some way throughout their lives. Part of the content of the book also presents a new issue and will be promising for transformative effects on students’ lives. This book will play a role in accomplishing the essential mission of changing the lifestyle in the near future. Because over time, the number of students who see a change in their awareness as an urgent need increases. This need, along with the readiness of thousands of students across the border to change, clearly demonstrates the status of the Life Skills for Students book. It is hoped that this book will reach all students, the seed that is sown while reading the book, may later mix with the seed of student’s pure soul, germinate and grow in the path of transcendence and nearness to God.

Author(s) : Mohammad Reza Keramati, PhD