Reflections of the Islamic Revolution of Iran

Author(s) : Mohammad Bagher Khoramshad, PhD et al
Publisher : SAMT
Code : 1533
Updated At : 28 September 2021
Published At : 2018/04/01
First Print Publication : 2011
5th Print Publication: 2018
Available Languages : Persian
408 Pages
ISBN : 978-964-530-691-3

ISBN : 978-964-530-691-3
Also Available as E-book

The Islamic Revolution of Iran, like all great revolutions, has had reflections. The reflection of the great revolutions is not limited to the time of their formation and the first years after their victory. The power and greatness of these kinds of revolutions reflect them in various cultural, political, economic, and social dimensions. Understanding the type, profoundness, and scope of the reflections of the Islamic Revolution of Iran is the main “issue” of this book. The scope of this reflection has been such that today some theorists consider the revival of political Islam and the growth of Islamism in the Arab world, which they call “Islamic awakening”, as a reflection of the reflections of this revolution. This book is the result of the collective efforts of the top experts in the field of reflections of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.

Author(s) : Mohammad Bagher Khoramshad, PhD et al