Introduction To Scientometric

Author(s) : Abdolreza Noroozi Chakoli, PhD
Publisher : SAMT
In Cooperation with : Shahed University
Code : 1562
Updated At : 02 October 2021
Published At : 2018/04/01
First Print Publication : 2011
4th Print Publication: 2018
Available Languages : Persian
516 Pages
ISBN : 978-600-6121-10-9

ISBN : 978-600-6121-10-9

Scientometrics is one of the new academic disciplines that are not very old in Iran. The roots of scientometrics go back to bibliometrics, which first emerged to provide services to library science and information science. But after a while, its capabilities were welcomed by a wider range of policymakers and research planners in the country and were considered in many academic and research centers. In fact, the need to determine the most correct direction of planning and policy-making of current and future science and technology at the international, national, organizational, and even individual levels is the most important reason for the development of this scientific field. Various dimensions of scientometrics, in this book, an attempt has been made to deal comprehensively with all these cases. The most important topics of this book are such as conceptual, functional, and historical domains of scientometrics, pioneers, and roots of scientometrics, scientometric relations with other fields, national and international indexes and citation databases, scientific maps, concepts related to science evaluation methods, and innovation in scientometrics, are pointed out. The study of this book is recommended to all those who are interested in getting acquainted with scientometrics from various fields, and especially to all managers and stakeholders in the fields of research and technology. However, this book has been compiled directly for use in the undergraduate and postgraduate courses in "Librarianship and Information Science".

Author(s) : Abdolreza Noroozi Chakoli, PhD

Selected Book of the 7th Farabi Intenational Book Award, 2014